COVID 19 Guidance
The following guidance, correct at time of publish; 8th October 2020. Please note that guidance can change at short notice. Should you have any concerns relating to COVID guidance at Fylde HC please contact our COVID officer Ian Swaine.
Guidance for Visiting Players and Officials
Guidance for Fylde Players
Guidance for Coaches
Guidance for Visiting Players and Officials
As a visitor to Fylde Hockey Club we want you to feel welcome especially in the challenging times we find ourselves in at the start of this season. The aim of this section is to provide you with all the information you need to arrive at Mill Farm confident in the measures we have in place for playing covid-safe hockey.
Prior to Play
All visitors to our venue, the Fylde Sports and Education Centre (FSEC), are required to register before arriving at the centre. Please ensure all players and officials have registered using this link
Our address is Mill Farm, Fylde Sports & Education Centre, PR4 3JZ
At the time of writing these guidance notes we are requesting that all players and officials arrive in playing kit as currently changing room facilities are not available
There is parking available next to the pitch
At the pitch
On arrival please enter through the main FSEC reception. You are required to wear a mask when you are inside the building. If for any reason this entrance is closed the gate to the left of the entrance will be open. This opens directly onto the pitch
Toilet facilities will be available - these are accessed through the doors close to the entrance to the pitch
There will be hand sanitiser stations located near to the pitch entrance and at the side of each dugout
At the time of writing there are currently no refreshments provided on site, however there is a Starbucks, Greggs, Aldi and Burger King on the road leading up to Mill Farm. Bradleys, the pub next to AFC Fylde, is also fully open
Please note following the recent government guidance, FSEC does not allow spectators into the facility
Guidance for Fylde Players
As a player at Fylde Hockey Club you must adhere to the following:
General Rules
If you display symptoms of COVID-19 please contact your COVID Officer ASAP
Always ensure you adhere to the government’s guidance
Be respectful of other individuals’ feelings and apprehension
Prior to Play
Register on Teamo for Fylde HC
Self-assess for symptoms
Arrive in playing kit
At the pitch
Scan the QR code and mark your attendance via the Teamo app (ensuring you select the correct session, do this more than once if you are there for multiple sessions)
When you sign in with Teamo you are confirming you are COVID symptom free and have not been in contact with anyone with suspected or confirmed COVID symptoms within the past two weeks
Ensure you follow the rules of Mill Farm when going inside the building
Arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your training or match meet time
Ensure you adhere to social distancing rules (2m and groups no larger than 6)
Travelling to Games
When you play away games please ensure you follow or adhere as closely as possible to the guidelines below:
When sharing a car everyone must wear a mask, try and ventilate the car where possible, and face away from one another throughout the journey
As much as possible try to travel in the same “bubbles” to limit social interaction outside of the hockey pitch
During play
Take penalty corners promptly
Only touch the ball with hockey equipment (stick/goal keeping equipment)
Use your own PPE (sanitiser)
Social distance when play stops and at breaks
No handshakes (stick taps only) at the end of games or during celebrations
After games & training
Ensure you leave as quickly as possible following the facilities exit guidelines
Do not gather in groups of more than 6
Always adhere to social distancing guidelines
Guidance for Coaches
As a coach at Fylde Hockey Club you must adhere to the following:
General Rules
If you display symptoms of COVID-19 please contact your COVID Officer ASAP
Always ensure you adhere to the government’s guidance
Be respectful of other individuals’ feelings and apprehension
Prior to Play
Register on Teamo for Fylde HC
Self-assess for symptoms
Arrive in playing kit
Ensure the sessions are well planned and avoid repetitive close contact as much as possible
All equipment is appropriately cleaned before each session
At the pitch
Scan the QR code and mark your attendance (ensuring you select the correct session, do this more than once if you are there for multiple sessions)
When you sign in with Teamo you are confirming you are COVID symptom free and have not been in contact with anyone with suspected or confirmed COVID symptoms within the past two weeks
Ensure you follow the rules of Mill Farm when going inside the building
Arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your training or match meet time
Ensure you adhere to social distancing rules (2m and groups no larger than 6)
As coaches there is an expectation that you will ensure all COVID measures are observed by players through your session. e.g. social distancing when not in game play, no handling of balls and cones other than by the coach.
Travelling to Games
When you play away games please ensure you follow or adhere as closely as possible to the guidelines below:
When sharing a car everyone must wear a mask, and try and ventilate the car where possible
Try and face away from one another throughout the journey
As much as possible try to travel in the same “bubbles” to limit social interaction outside of the hockey pitch
After games & training
All equipment must be cleaned and stored back in the appropriate place
Ensure you leave as quickly as possible, following the facilities exit guidelines
Do not gather in groups of more than 6
Always adhere to social distancing guidelines