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Umpiring at Fylde HC

    At Fylde we are proud to have a strong team of umpires to support all of our home fixtures. We strive to ensure the development of our team constantly, from our newly qualified young umpires through to our more experienced officials. 


    All of our umpiring is organised by our Umpire Co-ordinator Debbie McClelland who is happy to answer any questions about umpiring at Fylde, whether you are interested in becoming and umpire or if you are already qualified and want to get involved as part of our umpiring team.


    Debbie's email address is:




    Our expectations as a club are that all players who play at Fylde show the officiating team respect at all times in line with the England Hockey RESPECT code of Ethics and behaviour which can be found HERE.


    All of our Umpire are required to follow the England Hockey Rules and regulations and ideally all players should be clear on the rules to ensure the smooth running of games and reduce queries in matches. The full England hockey Rules and Regulations can be found HERE


    Meet The Umpires
    Learn a little bit about each umpire by clicking on their image


    Umpire development and training

    All of the England Hockey Umpire development material can be access by registering for the England Hockey Hub HERE


    At Fylde we feel that all player should be confident of the Rules of Hockey and encourage ALL players to complete the online RULES EDUCATION TEST the link to the test is HERE (a quick registration for the training hub is required).


    Courses and workshops to develop as an umpire can be found HERE


    If you require any further support on develoing as an umpire our Umpire Co-ordinator Debbie McClelland can be contacted on:

    Contact Us

    Use the form below to get in contact with us:

    Thankyou for contacting Fylde Hockey Club.                              One of our team will be in contact shortly

    Find Us

    Fylde Sports & Education Centre,
    Mill Farm Sports Village, 
    Coronation Road,

    Wesham, Preston PR4 3JZ

    The Flower Bowl Entertainment Centre Logo COLOUR (1).png

    Fylde Hockey Club Ltd  |  Registration No 8699428

    Registered Office: Fylde Sports & Education Centre, Coronation Way, WESHAM  PR4 3JZ England

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