Ist Team Ladies EHL Investec Conference North
The club are looking to create a strong management team for the Ladies 1st Team. This team will be made up of the Team Captain, the Team Manager and the Team Coach.
To this end the club are advertising for a 1st Team Ladies Coach and a 1st Team Ladies Team Manager. The roles will go through the normal club interview procedure and safeguarding checks. Expenses will be available to the selected person.
1st Team Mens Manager
In addition the club are looking for a Team Manager for the Men’s 1st Team to support the Ist Team Captain and the Ist Team Coach who are already in place.
2nd Team Mens and Ladies Coaches and Managers
The club have also agreed to create similar structures for both of our second teams as well and in particular have a vacancy for the role of 2nd Team Men’s Coach. Expenses will be available to the selected person. In addition we are looking volunteers to staff our other teams in the club.
The team structure at Fylde is supported by the Fran Loffler Thompson (Ladies Club Captain) and the Rob Jepson (Men’s Club Captain) and the Adrian Metcalf (Club Head Coach). This support is very active, working with the AFC Fylde Admin Staff and the Education Centre.
If you are interested please talk to Fran Loffler Thompson, Rob Jepson or Adrian Metcalf and contact by email can be made through