Following the latest government guidelines, which come into force from Tuesday 22nd September, organised matches and training will still be allowed to take place at Mill Farm however the guidelines advise that “you should not attend amateur or professional sporting events as a spectator”. Therefore Fylde Sports and Education Centre (FSEC) have taken the decision to not admit entry to the facility unless you are a player, coach or official.
Players, Coaches and Officials - please ensure that you arrive and leave the pitch promptly after each training session or match. You should not enter FSEC until 5 minutes before match meet time or session start time.
Parents - Parents will not be allowed inside the venue but are encouraged to remain in the car park in case your child requires medical assistance.
Over the last 6 months our aim has been to provide clear and transparent communications that will help everyone continue to enjoy playing hockey at Mill Farm, confident that we are all doing everything we can to make it as safe as possible in the current climate.
To continue that transparency we feel it is important to let you know that we have had our first two cases of COVID-19 confirmed, with two players testing positive this week. Everything has been reported and handled in line with both England Hockey and Government guidelines. It does however remind us that the need for vigilance is still so important.
As a club we want to ensure that not only can we continue to play hockey together but that all our members feel confident to continue playing. This requires us all to take personal responsibility in following these key guidelines on and off the pitch;
Ensure you use the Teamo app to check in to all matches and sessions
When not involved in game play you should maintain social distancing at all other times e.g on the sidelines, in team talks, walking on and off the pitch
Bags should not be left in the dugouts during matches or training sessions
Do not share anything with anyone else - drinks bottles, kit, sticks etc...
Do not handle cones, balls or other equipment - these will be collected by the coach in charge of the game or training session
If you or anyone in your household is displaying COVID symptoms, you MUST not attend
Before each hockey session participants should declare via self assessment through the Teamo app, that they are symptom free and haven't been in contact with anyone with suspected or confirmed COVID symptoms within the past two weeks.
And please, if you see these guidelines not being respected, do remind people. Sometimes it’s easy to slip into old habits and we need those nudges from each other to help us keep vigilant.